How can I protect my baby from sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS)/cot death?

Sudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), or cot death, is where apparently healthy baby dies, without warning, and for no clear reason. Though rare, it is still one of the most common causes of infant deaths. There is no known cause of why it happens but it mostly takes place when a baby is thought to be sleeping or having a nap. Here are some things a parent can do to minimize the risk: - breastfeed your baby - put your baby to sleep on his/her back and try to be in the same room as your baby during his/her nap times or while our baby is sleeping (if you notice your baby has rolled over during his/her sleep, gently roll him/her back onto her back) - reduce your baby’s exposure to smoke (and do not smoke or be around people who smokes during pregnancy) because SIDS seemed to be more common in babies who are regularly exposed to smoke maintain a comfortable room temperature for your baby to sleep in. overheating also appeared to be linked to SIDS. Watch out for signs that your baby is too hot: sweating, damp hair, heat rash, rapid breathing, restlessness - allow your baby to soothe themselves to sleep with a pacifier. This helps make his/her breathing more regular Here are two articles you can refer to:
Read moreThis was one of major worries! For both kids, I didn't sleep very well even if my babies are asleep at night. I'd constantly poke their cheeks to see if I can get a reaction. #paranoidmummy Babies should always, always sleep on a solid firm mattress and his cot should be clear of any soft toys, duvets, anything that can possible fall onto him and block his breathing. Also, if you are a heavy sleeper, avoid co-sleeping with your baby. Also, do not sleep while breastfeeding your baby. I read an article few months back that a mummy accidentally suffocated her baby because she fell asleep on him. Here's an article for more understanding ^^
Read moreSudden infant death syndrome (SIDS), also known as cot death, is a diagnosis that's made when an apparently healthy baby dies, without warning, and for no clear reason. Premature babies died of SIDS up to six weeks later than full-term babies, on average. Babies born small for their gestational age had a higher SIDS risk than appropriate-sized infants. No one knows why some babies die in this way. It may just be a combination of factors that affect a baby at a vulnerable stage in their development.
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