Taking off her pajamas pants
Ho mummies, can anyone explain why my turning 3 years old toddler has been refusing to change into her pyjamas pants before sleep. And even after she deep sleep and we changed. She can wake up in the middle of the night fussing and remove the pants herself. It happens almost every single nighht recently.

Hi there! I know this is an old post, but how’s you child now? Does she still remove her pajamas? My 2 yrs old is like that now, even though she is wearing the same old pajamas and long sleeves she used to wear before. She becomes fussy about it and will insist to remove the clothes. It also happened just recently.
Read moreThe pants might be too warm for her to be comfortable. My 2 year old son does something similar to his shirt as well when it gets too warm for his afternoon nap. He’d rather sleep shirtless 😂
maybe she feels warm? or the pants is uncomfortable? try another material? or let her wear shorts?
Are these new pyjamas? Could your toddler be finding them too tight or too rough on the skin?