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To add on, according to HPB (Singapore Health Promotion Board) there is no specific treatment for the infection other than symptomatic relief. Take these steps to ease your child’s discomfort and help him or her recover: 1) Encourage your child to drink plenty of fluids Change to a soft diet (e.g. porridge, pureed fruit) if the mouth ulcers are a problem and if he continues to refuse your breastmilk. 2) Give medications as prescribed by the doctor, e.g. paracetamol syrup to relieve fever and pain 3) Ensure your child gets plenty of rest at home As you ease your child's sickness, make you you also perform necessary measures to assure that it won't spread in your house as HFMD is a highly contagious viral infection. Steps such as: avoid sharing food and drinks, eating utensils, toothbrushes or towels with others; ensure toys or appliances contaminated by nasal or oral secretions are thoroughly disinfected before they are used again. May your child be well very soon and stay strong mummy! :) http://sg.theasianparent.com/are-you-ready-for-a-good-f-i-g-h-t/2/

You can try freezing some of your breast milk or some fruit puree to encourage him to eat. Dehydration is one of the main worry for children with HFMD. If your son is still not taking in any food or fluid, it is best to bring him to the doctor to prevent him from getting dehydrated. According to the KKH website (http://www.kkh.com.sg/HealthPedia/Pages/ChildhoodIllnessesHFMD.aspx), you should bring your son to the Children’s Emergency when you notice any of the following: - when the oral intake of fluids is poor, or when the child is unable to swallow, or vomits persistently - when the tongue is dry, or when the child has decreased urine output (dehydration) - if the child appears lethargic, drowsy or irritable, is crying persistently, or is disorientated - when seizures occur - if there is difficulty in breathing - if the child looks ashen, pale or blue. - if the child complains of acute headache or giddiness, or if there is neck stiffness Hope he feels better soon!!

Make breast milk popsicles for your child and hopefully this will help him soothe his throat and at the same time get some much needed fluids into his system. Ice chips also help if he has trouble swallowing. You can also try getting fluids into your child via his food -- prepare watery foods like porridges, stews and soups. Keep him entertained and distracted from the pain by allowing him to binge watch his favourite tv shows if any as well as shower him with attention and even more love as his little body fights off the infection.

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My PD give this to spray before eating. It is like mouthwash but just spray a bit. My daughter 1year old, can eat after that. Can check with pd first if it is ok.

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