3 Replies

Is your sac seen really tiny? Mine is (but am w6d1 today), so doc can't see yolk sac/fetal pole yet! Only 0.4cm gestational sac (or in obgyn's words "water bag") seen for me on the transabdominal ultrasound. Think transvaginal ultrasounds can see the fetus much more clearly in the first 4-8 weeks! Had my first scan on Sat, going in in 2 Saturdays. Hope you have a follow-up soon :)

🙌🏻🙏🏻 Hugs & all the best 💕 thank you, Brenda.

I had the same situation but my gynae assured me that I’m very much pregnant when my 6w scan (first scan) shows the sac but minimal to no visible fetal pole. Keep positive and go for your follow up scan, maybe your little one just happened to position somewhere that it is difficult to be picked up by ultrasound.

Hi Brenda. How was the follow-up? I am in a similar situation as you now.

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