5 Replies

My LO is around same age and we face the same problem. I realised the PD usually give the same course of treatment, so my wife and I don't bring her to the PD unless it's a symptom we never see before of its really high fever. We also have illadin and a ventolin puff which we find to be quite effective; have to just force them to take the meds. Try giving children vitamins to boost the child's immunity and recovery. Other than that, it's just letting ur LO recover on their own.

You need to get a nasal aspirator the automatic one to suck out the mucus. Lollababy is what I'm currently using. Then, your 2 year old can sleep soundly. Rub the chest and the soles of the feet with Garlic balm. At least you need to try, to give him Illadin if it is block. If not, you could do nasal steaming.

Usually GP is good enough. My LO never visited a PD before. GP will prescribe the same as what PD will. At a lower price.


my LOs only visited the PD once after birth, after that it was to the polyclinic or GP as PD was too pricey for us.

VIP Member

If it's normal flu I think a gp should suffice

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