Csect recovery
Hi, has any mummies here gone for csect and able to share the recovery details? Any tips?

🙋🏻♀️ Rest and be strong! self encouragement is one key to help you strengthen yourself post op of CSect delivery. Drink warm water for week or so to help you and organs recover well, I may not have a medical back up from this, but I've done it to myself which helped me heal faster than I thought. I still do house chores but light ones only, No carrying heavier than Baby for 3mos at least. stay positive and embrace the Motherhood.. nothing beats a positive attitude towards any changes! Hugss!!
Read moreFirst of all, do not rush yourself. Take one day at a time and listen to your body, no matter how soft it says i.e. if you feel even the slightest pain, be cautious in moving around. And even when you don’t feel any pain anymore, always remember that your wound is beyond what you see on your abdomen.
Read morePlenty of rest and do not carry heavy stuff. try to move abit around at home n rest when u need to. Get your Cl or your hubby to carry baby to you if u need to breastfeed or what
This article may helps you . https://sg.theasianparent.com/all-you-need-to-know-about-c-section-recovery-care-tips
have more rest during first month. do not carry heavy things or climb stairs.