Has anyone tried this nipple shield by pigeon? Is it good?

Considered purchasing it (my imperfectly-shaped right nipple was getting wounds from incorrect latching) but tried to give nipple cream a go first, as well as working on the latch trying different techniques: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XfEV2oLRQy4 Fortunately this worked for me and didn't have to get nipple shield.
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I have tried it at the hospital after giving birth. personally I didn't think it helped. the nurses gave to me cos I had slightly inverted nip on one side. still this shield gave me a bleeding nip .. so I think it's useless haha
I have tried this, but it doesn't really helped at all, my baby was fussing over this and I couldn't breastfeed him with my sore nipples, had to apply nipple cream and latch ln the other breast
i've tried it. but i personally felt it as a hindrance as my lo has no issue with latching even when my nipple is sore, he refuse to latch with this. it will work if you have inverted nipples
Read moreI personally do not advocate the use of nipple shield as it encourages bad latch. If you wish to latch your baby, consider seeking help from a lactation consultant.
i hv tried. didnt think it helped me cozz of inverted nipple