has anyone used Pigeon Gomini breast pump? is it good? any recommendations on good ones but with friendlier price?

My breast massage lady recommended Real Bubee, she said it's cheap and suction is good. Personally I used Gomini and it works well for me, not too many parts and easy to assemble, suction is decent. I was unwilling to invest in better brands like Spectra as I didn't intend to breastfeed for long, I stopped after my maternity leave due to the nature of my job, not possible to pump regularly.
Read moreI have n tried Mamaschoice, avent . Mama choice is good as per the price and convenient. Also avent also very good compatible and but bit expensive. But I am clearing mine at carousel. Let me know if you are interested means. I have used very rare. Since I have other pumps with me
i am using Pigeon Gomini.. works for me cuz it is really much cheaper than any other brands and to me the suction is good too. doesnt take too long to finish pumping. but it's a bit on the noisier side.
unfortunately there isnt a one size or one price fit all approach... but hope the following can help you in ur decision-making...
Yeah it’s good if your baby can’t suck long time and baby feel boring to suck after breast-pumps dose work very well because i am also facing like that so ..
Spectra for me. Passed down by a relative. Just purchase new accessories. She used it for 4years and I’m using it for the past 6months. Did not fail us