10 weeks today
haii mommys, today i will go for scan. yesterday n today, when i put my hand at my rahim side, i cn feels the baby heartbeat, is it true that is heartbeat? i feels it with my handdd?
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mungkin bukn sis, biasanya klu 10week blum dpt rasa sis, kdg2 nurse pun susah nk cri baby heart..selalu dia ckp ini degupn mommy bukn baby punya..klu scan biasa dah boleh detect
No la..it's your uterine artery that's beating since your uterus is getting bigger and the blood supply is increasing to supply demand of growing foetus
11 weeks masih awal sis . kadang nurse pon susah nak cari heartbeat baby . mungkin yg sis rasa tu ialah heartbeat sis sendiri . boleh jadi mcm tu .
it ur baby moving.. we cant feel the baby heartbeat..
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