Nervous about pregnancy

Had miscarriage before so I’m worried about this pregnancy that I have . Any tips? Just tested positive

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Hi! It’s totally normal to feel worried and anxious! I had a miscarriage last year in Feb and conceived shortly after again in March. The first few weeks were the toughest but I just did everything I can, take my folic acid, eat well, sleep well, and remain as calm and as joyful as I can. I went for an early scan at 5 weeks as well to make sure yolk sac was visible / fetus was implanted at the right place. Then it was a waiting game, at 8 weeks we managed to see and hear the heartbeat. And the rest of the 31 weeks were filled with ups and downs! But have a healthy baby girl now!! Every pregnancy is different, try your best to stay positive and joyful, but also allowing yourself some time and grace to work through the anxiety and adjust!

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I had a miscarriage before and successfully got pregnant 4 months later. I too, am super anxious, stressed & worried everyday that it will happen again. Try your best to think positive, stay hydrated and rest well. Best if you could try ur best to keep urself distracted so you won’t keep thinking of the negatives, also refrain from searching too much on the internet. I’ve seen so much that gave me even more fears eg. Ectopic, stillbirth etc. you can do it 💖

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I would say to go to a gynae for early check and take some medicine support to strengthen. That was what i did last year at week 4-5. Was given HL to rest and dont worry too much. Think positively always and talk to the lil one to be strong. Now I am 32 weeks. 💪 All of us can do it.

I had a miscarriage during my first pregnancy & I was having anxiety throughout my 2nd cause at the back of my head what if it happens again? But all is well despite the anxious feeling, you will go through it step by step and learn to love your pregnancy 💖

I went to my gynae at week 6 and was given duphaston to reduce the risk of miscarriage given my history. In the mean time, you just have to try your best not to stress about it. Jiayou!

No vigorous activities and rest more and eat healthily; avoid caffeine for first tri

I have been thorough with miscarriage. you just have to stay calm and relax

Rest well, put your feet up and stay positive! You’ve got this Mama!

See gynae ASAP to get the supporting mediciation

