Wee hours pumping and engorged
Do you guys wake up at wee hours to pump? I find it so tiring.. but i cannot wake my LO to latch haha and if i skip my breast will feel so full and engorged. Haizzz If i have engorgement feel bad to let LO latch coz milk flow damn fast and sometimes she drink till choke. Very dangerous

If u miss night feedings baby will be hungry tho especially the first three months where babies need to wake to feed constantly . They need to be actively woken at least every two or three hours. But i feel u about the flow cause my baby choked and coughed alot but then we resolved the issue by feeding every two hourly so the flow dont go too crazy and yes throughout the night because babies need to feed hahais. And baby was always content and slept better as we went through the months as feeds are slowly reduced plus milk production regulates itself better too. I chose direct latching lying down sideways all the way because almost dropped baby when i sat down to feed/bottle. If u miss feeds or pumping every two hours it was generally warned that ur milk production will drop since the body feels like it's not needed due to the hours lapsed i think about six hours or so. Do u still need to pump to store milk? Because I identified over production and engorgement because of feeding> pumping> over production > engorgement> pump/feed again. Can be a vicious cycle actually 😔 Can check in with a lactation consultant from kkh or ur hospital, or places like bmsg for tips and advice. Im just sharing my own exp 😁
Read moreYes! Because if you skip/drag pumps, it will affect the supply, signalling your body that you don’t need that milk. And also risking mastitis and clog ducts if you don’t clear. You can try hand expressing into bottle for a few minutes before latching baby. 😊
yes but m a super low supply mom 😭