glucose test
For the glucose test, is it just about taking our blood and then go home? Or see dr on that day too?

My experience at KK. Checked in at 8am, first they took your blood. Next, drink the glucose drink. Wait for 1hr. 9am- next blood test. Wait another hr. 10am- final blood test. After that went back. They will call if there is anything amiss or if the level is too high. I did not receive any call as everything was fine when I asked my gynae. Did not see dr. that day.
Read moreYou'll have to fast overnight and your blood will be taken before you are given a bottle of glucose drink. After which, you will have to wait another 2 to 3 hours before your blood is taken again. My gynae used the glucometer instead of sending my blood to the lab so I was able to get my readings on the same day. I then had a normal consult/ultrasound scan.
Read moreJust did mine today; fast after dinner the night before, took the 'before' blood test then, finished the drink at 10am in the clinic, waited 2hrs (ran errands in the meantime) for the 2nd blood test. It was also my regular visit to the gynae today so my gynae went thru the results with me etc.
Usually, have to see doctor on the day! But the blood test results only comes out in 1 weeks time
After the test, you will need to see the doctor. However the result will only be out after that
The test takes hours so there will be scan and consultation scheduled alongside
If ur results r ready then u can consult the doc as well same day ..
After took the blood then see doc.. bt result will not be out yet
See dr as well my result was out before seeing the dr
Depends on clinic