Can subsidized take ward A1 at KKH?
Hi FTM here. I am afraid of labour etc and a subsidized patient at KKH for check ups. Can I choose ward A1 for giving birth? Thanks

Giving birth in A1 ward? You mean while you’re in labour? While you’re in labour usually you’ll be in delivery suite almost like A1 ward cause it’s a one-bedder. Your husband can be around throughout the whole process except for when you have to go for emergency c-sect. You’ll still be charged as subsidised patient. If you choose A1 ward AFTER giving birth, to stay for that few days after birth, then you’ll be charged as private patient. Otherwise you can choose B2 ward (6-bedded) and still subsidised. But I’ve heard on of the posts in here, one of the staff of KKH mentioned that you can choose the private wards but tell the admin you want to remain as subsidised patient. Please enquire to re-confirm again.
Read moreI’m also a sub patient and wanted to switch to A / B ward. You can do so at admission. But note that when you opt for A1, the charges for delivery and afterwards (including check up) will all be private patient cost, you’ll no longer be subsidised.
Can but all your bills will be charged as a private patient, same for your baby. Fear of labour is normal. Even for an experienced mum like me.
U will be charged as pvt patient