Newborn routine
Hi all, FTM here. Baby arriving in about 2 months. Would like to know what a newborn routine should be like eg what happens when we come back home from the hospital? Kindly share your newborn feeding/pumping/napping/changing/bathing schedule or any tips are appreciated thank you!! :)

Not to scare u but postpartum was the most exhausting period I ever had in my life! Worse than my schedule as a teacher. Just like what other moms said in the initial weeks, feed baby every 2-3hrs. Breastfeeding is tiring! There were many times I was literally glued to the bed and baby because my baby would cry when I put him down. I had to leave him to cry when I needed the toilet. My mom and husband felt so bad tt baby wld not calm down even when they tried to carry him. Different babies have different sleeping schedules. Some babies cld easily sleep just by rocking or carrying but mine can only sleep when I latch him. Tried to give him pacifier but he refused. Sometimes I had to pump and breastfeed at the same time as I had to increase my supply (struggled with low supply at the start). So I hardly had a good night sleep in the first 2 months. 3 hours of sleep straight was rare! It got better aft 2 months when baby was able to self-soothe. He started to learn to fall aslp on his own at 3-4 mths. Tt's when I got my sanity back and cld sleep for 4-5 hours again! In summary, don't expect to have a schedule. Sometimes baby can sleep for long hours straight but sometimes they can demand milk every hour. Feed on demand, change diaper every time he pees or poops to avoid rashes. Bathe according to what u're comfortable with. Some moms don't bathe newborns for days but I bathe my boy once a day. Twice if he pooped a big one.
Read morecome home, sponge the baby, first 2 wks only sponging, take note on keeping the cord dry. babies’ skin do not need to be washed everyday (they dont do hard labour and they dont go out lol). also note to dry out the neck as its easy to overlook, its a common place for rashes. after each feed, wipe with wet wipes gently to avoid milk rash. good to change diaper before/after each feed. newborns sleep alot, so after 30mins to an hour, babies will nap. newborn period is the best period where u have time coz they slp alot! if you’re breastfeeding then have a few flanges and bottles if not you’ll be washing and sterilising these things every 3 hours. To get a good yield, clean and massage ur boobs, hot compress then pump, after u finish, cold compress. newborns needs to be fed every 3-4 hours, so can wake them to feed, when they are bigger can dont feed if they dont wake up. ok these are what i do, might not be all right.. but u’ll get ur own schedule when the baby comes.. rest plenty and leave the washing to the hubby!
Read moreVery helpful tips, thank you so much mama! :)
Frankly speaking, we didnt have a schedule. The moment we come home, my hubby immediately bathed the newborn (coz come back frm outside so must bathe). For feeding, we feed on demand (unless she wakes up). Her jaundice level was lower so we were not concerned. Some pple wake their babies up every 3h for feeding. Pumping wise if you have the equipments ready, i think u can start every 3h. I didnt have my flange ready (coz i wanted to ask the lactation one on size) so i didnt start pumping, only direct latch. Tbh they slp most of the time for a newborn 😅 after that my ger’s times very haywire n goes cranky!
Read moreAre you looking to sleep train your baby? I'm a FTM too but there are a few good books at the NLB you can read up on, they will have suggested feedings and sleep schedules. I'm now reading "7pm to 7am Sleeping Baby Routine" and "What to Expect the First Year", the first book was very helpful around routines.
Read moreYes I hope to sleep train my baby! Thanks for the tips, will check out those books! :)
no fixed schedule feed baby by demand, every 2hrs and pump every 3-4hrs 2 shower daily - every morning 11am and night before bed to me my milk bottle and pump is very important, I will make sure it's clean and sanitise when my baby is sleeping
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