Overthinking first time preggie
Hello, just found out that I’m 6 weeks pregnant on Letrozole after 2 years of TTC 🥹 The feelings are overwhelming! Gynae appointment is scheduled on 30 Jan.. this 2 weeks wait is so hard! I can’t help but overthink if baby is well or what’s going on in my womb and it makes me stressed and worried 😳 I don’t have morning sickness symptoms except for sore boobs and cramps. Anyone mum to be/mums have advice on overthinking? 🥺

Don’t worry mummy! Congrats! 🤍 I also conceived after almost 3 years of TTC. Felt the same way. My 5th week appt, nothing could be sighted. So I had to wait till 9th week appt. Trust me the wait was horrible because I couldn’t stop overthinking. I didn’t get any morning sickness too. Just tired, peeing and sore boobs. All I did was pray daily and talked to my baby. I didn’t care if people said baby can’t hear yet. It just made me feel better when I spoke out loud. I tried my best to be happy as stress doesn’t do any good to the baby. Take your folic acid and stay positive. Just remind yourself you deserve it. You deserve to enjoy this joyous moment. Be safe and eat healthy! Don’t let any negativity affect you. Remember god knows when the time is right. Lots of love to you and little one. ❣️❣️
Read moreI felt that way too initially, I barely even felt pregnant (no pregnancy symptoms at all) until I started showing on week 15. How I coped was to focus on being mentally and emotionally well ie do whatever that makes me at peace. Also busied myself with work stuff before I got bigger (and slower!). Time passed by very fast…next thing I know is the day of my ultrasound and I get to see baby all healthy and kicking ❤️ I started to feel baby rolling at week 15 which helped my anxiety immensely hehe. I’m at week 26 now and baby kicks all the time so I KNOW she is well hehe. Be patient yah and distract yourself from worries that are unlikely anyway.
Read moreI am a first time mom too and I tend to over-think and over-analyze a lot. The rationale mind of mine sometimes just can’t stop wondering what if… My partner has to think of a rationale way to “convince” me not to do it - for example, overthinking sometimes can cause anxiety in mom and would you want your baby to feel it too? Of course NO. Can overthinking solve any problems? NO. If I don’t think about it, my baby will be happier and grow better? Oh yes!!! So just be happy that your child has chosen you as his/her mom and I believe that every child is a miracle! Wish you all well and a smooth pregnancy!
Read moreOmg thank you for whatever you shared.. it really is what I needed to read today. Was just overthinking last night and had chest tightness 🥺 Indeed baby is a gift and miracle and I should believe in him/her too! Thank you so much :)
Congrats! Start taking folic acid (can get over the counter at Watson’s/Guardian etc), avoid raw food, alcohol and unpasteurized dairy/cheese/eggs. Start eating a well-balanced diet, lots of hydration, regular exercises, start doing your research on first trimester dos and don’ts, and next thing you know, it’ll be 30 Jan! P/s: I didn’t have morning sickness at all, so don’t worry about that. I say count your lucky stars. 😉 good luck!
Read moreThank you for all the tips! :) Am counting down daily!
congrats! and it is normal to experience anxiety.. try not to over think by watching more fun programmes/books/ variety shows to keep you happy.. stress is not good during pregnancy.. i did not experience any morning sickness.. thankfully.. only sore boobs from week 9-12 and ankle swelling from week23 onwards.. also, i only started really "showing" from week 16.. delivered healthy ivf bb girl 🙂
Read moreCongrats to you :’) Thank you for sharing your experience.. will keep in mind! 😌
im also prego by Letrozole. I got gynae appt at week 11. also no morning sickness except sore boobs and cramp. just take extra precautions when handling things. no carry heavy stuffs, eat healthy... take care.. and congrats!! p/s: don't stress abt it. I even did preg test on the morning of my appt, just to confirm the pregnancy. 😝😝
Read moreOh! The wait must have felt really long 😳 Can’t wait to see my baby soon! Hope all is well!
just chillax and focus on many activities such as preparing for nursery, research on which baby items to get, watch youtube tutorials on how to care for baby etc, decluttering the house to make space for baby etc...then u will be too busy to be worried!
Yes, I’m reading up and wanting to buy stuff but also worried if it’s too early to buy haha 😬
How did ur appt go? Same... waiting for the 2 week appt is SO hard... i tell myself not to google unnecessarily and as discussed with my husband, enjoy this gift and journey. What's meant to be, will be. ☺️
Not every one experience morning sickess. My MS only kicks in at werk 8. Just relax, be careful, dont take raw or alcohol while waiting for the scan. If u encounter bleeding pls pls go to kkh urgent o&g.
Oh.. thanks for sharing your experience. Will take note! Thank you :)
you need to remain calm and chill, don't over worry or tired yourself.. take folic acid daily.. all these help you and your baby in your tummy.. congrats on your pregnancy !!
Yeah will try to stay calm! Thank you! :)