4 Replies

Hi, I would like to share with you that one might be eating food rich in B12 but still can be deficient of the vitamin. My husband is a voracious red meat eater and the doctor was surprised to see that her B12 was alarmingly low. So, he had to be given B12 injections to meet the requirement. By all this I do not mean that do not take care of what you eat, all I meant to say, that even after you are eating food rich in B12, make sure you have your regular test for it done. I am sharing a link with you that in detail gives you an information about how particular food helps in in increasing your B12. Please go through the link. https://www.healthaliciousness.com/articles/foods-high-in-vitamin-B12.php

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here are some foods that are good sources of B12 fish such as salmon, tuna, eggs, , paneer, cheese, fortified cereals, tofu, full fat yogurt, parmesan cheese, chicken

Hi I guess for B 12 you primarily have to get some injections weekly till it is at the said level. You should have food high in protein. Meat is the main source of B12.

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