1. Wash your hands with soap and water (do the 7 steps of handwashing) frequently, especially before handling your LO. If you have no access to that, use the hand sanitiser.
2. Avoid bringing your LO to crowded places/confined places. If there is no choice, try to steer clear of people who are sick. If your LO touches lift buttons or any public surfaces, wash their hands with the hand sanitiser immediately. If they’re old enough, remind them not to touch their eyes/nose/mouth before washing their hands.
3. If you have them, you may choose to wear a surgical mask for droplet prevention when you go to public places. If you’re ill, please wear a mask, both in public and at home. If your LO is 2 years old and above, there are commercially available masks for children. Ensuring compliance may be difficult, but try to get them to wear it if possible.
4. If anyone in the family has symptoms of cough, sore throat or fever, see a doctor.
5. If your LO is attending school, check on the school’s policies for protecting the children, and ensure we do our part not to send the LO to school if they are sick (even if it’s just a runny nose/cough).
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