9 Replies

Congrats I'm in my 4th week now too w no.2 :) I've also been getting cramps from 12dpo (most intense on 14 and 15dpo) and it slowly eased. I didn't experience this w no.1 so I was a little worried but I read that it could be the uterus stretching too.. You don't need to see a GP or any other doctor. just wait it out til 6 weeks because that's when the heartbeat shd be present. I'm currently taking folic acid that I bought off the shelf at Guardian. in my first pregnancy I took folic acid til the end of first tri and then switched to obimin. enjoy your pregnancy ❤

1) Yes it’s normal. It’ll come and go. So long as there’s no active bleeding, there’s no need to worry. Expect to have implantation bleeding tho. 2) No need to see GP, waste money because it’s too early and they’ll probably say come back again in 2 weeks. Which will be your 6th week, and poly is sufficient. It’ll be too early to see anything. 3) Folic acid is fine. I took once a day for the 1st 3 months before gynae gave fish oil and prenatals to take. Rest well and congrats.

hi mumma! congratulations! to answer your questions, 1. yes, you can expect a bit of cramping. as long as it is not accompanied by heavy bleeding, you're fine :) 2. you would usually see your gynae at 6th or 7th week as it is too early now and can only see gestational sac 3. you can start taking folic acid, the earlier the better. as for the prenatal vitamins, my gynae only gave me those on my second trimester take care!

I also had slight pain in my left ovary at the beginning of my pregnancy. It was caused by an ovarian cyst (corpus luteum I think). Gynae said shouldn’t be anything to worry about and just monitor. The pain went away after about 2-3 days. But really, super slight dull ache more than a pain. Congrats!! Enjoy the journey!

1) I think normal but if the pain gets worse or there is bleeding better seek help. 2) no need to see other doctors unless you’re really unwell 3) folic acid itself is sufficient until week 12 but doesn’t kill to take more if you would like more nutrients. Never heard of this brand before though. Check the reviews?

When i was in wk 8 (i found out late), gynae only advised me to take folic acid…

supplements shd be taken even before conception so u shdnt delay

You may take follic acid


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