3 Replies

U might wanna discuss with ur team leader or manager see if u can take a short one week or two weeks break or unpaid leave, to rest ur mind and ur heart from the stress, and return more fresh and better, otherwise it won't be good for ur mental health too. I took 1.5mth unpaid leave during my first pregnancy to recover from morning sickness and the stress at work and it felt good when I return as everybody felt better too, (for the record, all my female colleagues were then non mothers) and we worked well afters they were more caring towards my pregnancy as they see my tummy growing and understood what I was going through. A short break will do everyone good.

Jiayou! Take a short break from work (1-3days) to realign yourself and think of how to put in controls to reduce your erros. I try to doublecheck every important thing now, and also write down what needs to be done (because I'll forget if I work on it later). Lastly I work in bursts and take short breaks to get water/toilet/walk around. I hope these help, I'm in the third trimester now and have been surviving well at work. Personal life wise the pregnancy brain is horrible though; it's almost like switching across an alternative universe sometimes - my memory from 15min ago and now doesn't match up on odd details.

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It’s the “pregnancy brain” they called it. You tend to become more forgetful now too. Go easy on yourself mommy.. Are they aware that you are pregnant?

Just hang in there.. till you go on maternity leave. If you make mistakes, apologies & move on. They can’t terminate a preggy. So just hang in there.

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