Is it just fine to drive while pregnant? My way to work takes about 45 mins to an hour and I'm kinda feeling some backaches right after. Mommies, how did you deal with this?

I think if you feel comfortable with your pregnancy, there shouldn't be any restrictions on you driving. Though, maybe you could get your husband or a coworker to drive you around more often. As for your back, I would suggest looking into back stretches. I understand not all of them will be able to be used since you're pregnant, but the ones that you can comfortably try out will do wonders for your back!
Read moreIt depends on you, really. I know some moms who drive from the start of their pregnancy until a few weeks before giving birth. Ask yourself, are your conditions favorable enough to let you drive? If yes, then why not? Just make sure you take care of yourself while driving. It may help if you can stop by in the midst of a long ride. Do a few stretches and get some rest for a few minutes.
Read moreI didn't drive when I was pregnant. I suggest you just get yourself a driver or have your husband drop you off and pick you up at work. That way, you can avoid the risk of having discomfort while driving. However, if it's not really possible, you may want to consider a few of the tips from this site I've come across:
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I drove to work all e way till last few days before giving birth.No issues at all.