Journey Update

Currently at 39 weeks and 2 days now. Had a membrane sweep yesterday at the clinic and was 1cm dilated and I think I lost my mucus plug today at around 10AM. Kept having irregular contractions every 10 minutes for an hour then stops in another hour then continues to have it again in another hour. It's painful like our monthly dysmenorrhea and is having backaches. Should I wait for a bloody show or my water breaking before heading to the hospital? And wait for contractions every 5 mins? What to do while waiting? Since I'm planning to have an epidural, the anesthesiologist won't reject giving me a shot if I'm having my contractions every 5 mins, right? #FirstTimeMommy #advice

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My mucous plug also came off the next day after a membrance sweep. Currently 2 days later still no sign of labor~ I've informed the dr of the mucous plug though and they advised me to go to the hospital if the contraction is 10-15 mins apart. So I would advise you to head over to the hospital.

8mo ago

Thank youuu!~ hopefully you'll meet yours as well 💕💕 watch out for contractions that comes every 5mins, you def need to go hospital ASAP~

When ur water break its to late best it’s to go to the hospital incase anything