Colic babies

Feeling stressed up as my baby wont accept formula milk. Its the 3rd formula we bought n baby vomits merlion after drinking it.. my nipples hurt so bad cos its like latching & pumping 24/7. I have no rest & my c sect wound is hurting again. (Its been a month) i dont know what to do. Doc gave ridwind to get rid of gas.. ive been doing bicycle exercises & giving her massages with ointment... anybody face the same problem? Its like i give milk... she sleeps... but then keep waking up n crying2.. n i hve to carry her n its on repeat. #firstbaby #1stimemom #advicepls

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My babygirl too, and am trying with 2 different formula milk. Apparently colic acts up and worsens at night. My husband and I are losing sleep almost everyday as she will keep crying murder despite being fed and diapers changed. Even applied Yu Yee oil on some nights; no difference. Try using an anti-colic bottle? Currently using MAM, but going to try Hegen next. It’s always a trial and error with our newborn to see which is suitable for them. Don’t give up mummy! And consider getting help from a family member so you can rest and recover :)

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Super Mum

Have you tried hypoallergenic formula in case she's allergic or sensitive to cow's milk? Try Aptamil Allerpro or Nutramigen. It might also be reflux, make sure you keep baby upright for at least 30 minutes after drinking. My baby got reflux medicine from the doctor as well, but they typically outgrow it around 3-4 months

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