Due On Next Month
Any one excited and at the same time nervous or worried about the pain? Share your experiences! How you crop with it.

I m delivering end of this month. I used to worry about how i would cope with the pain and wound, but as time is approaching close, it seems im more excited to want to meet my baby , my sacrifice will be worth it ;) n also worth the priceless moment to c my hub's smile when he meets his first baby😍
Read moreI just stayed calm and brave through it. I told myself I can endure it as the end result will be a bundle of joy being held in my arms. U can do it too! :)
Am scared too! But it will just come.. just write down a list of important documents to bring to hospital in case u got panic on that day..
I'm delivering next month too! I'm nervous and worried at the same time.
Congrats and take care! All the best
Get epidural. It's not so bad.
just me