Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?

Hello everyone! ? As your estimated-date-of-delivery (EDD) approaches, signs of labour are crucial indicators for expectant parents to note of. As a medical professional and a parent myself, I am delighted to be hosting this session to address your concerns and questions pertaining to signs and symptoms to look out for as your enter the final stage of your pregnancy. I am Dr Peter Wang, MBBS Anchor Doctor at Speedoc. Feel free to leave your questions or concerns in the comments section. I will do our best to respond to every question! ??️ Topic: How to Identify Signs of Labour? Date: Wednesday, 18th October 2023 Time: 8.00 - 9.00 pm

Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?
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Is it common for water to break as a sign of labour?

8mo ago

Water breaking is not a sign of labour but rather, active labour typically soon follows once the water has broken. Pre-labour rupture of membranes or (PROM), it can be divided to term, preterm, & midtrimester PROM and the relative frequencies of occurrence are 8, 3, and