Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?

Hello everyone! 👋 As your estimated-date-of-delivery (EDD) approaches, signs of labour are crucial indicators for expectant parents to note of. As a medical professional and a parent myself, I am delighted to be hosting this session to address your concerns and questions pertaining to signs and symptoms to look out for as your enter the final stage of your pregnancy. I am Dr Peter Wang, MBBS Anchor Doctor at Speedoc. Feel free to leave your questions or concerns in the comments section. I will do our best to respond to every question! 💡🗣️ Topic: How to Identify Signs of Labour? Date: Wednesday, 18th October 2023 Time: 8.00 - 9.00 pm

Ask the Expert Series: How to Identify Signs of Labour?
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What are some effective relaxation techniques for managing pain during labor?

1y ago

Relaxation techniques during labor is an essential part of managing pain and staying as relaxed as possible. Proper breathing techniques can help you stay calm and focused, conserve energy, and provide you with a sense of control. Unfortunately, such techniques are beyond the scope of todays topic and best address in an in-person setting to practice and rehearse such breathing techniques. Do contact your hospital's antenatal parent craft centres for such classes.

What are the signs that indicate a need for medical attention during labor?

1y ago

The response to this can be quite broad ranging and dependent on your individual pregnancy profile and risk factors. In pregnancy, and especially during the active phase of labour, there can be maternal complications as well as foetal complications. Both must be taken into account when considering the need for medical intervention. I suggest that you ask your healthcare professional who can give you a more targeted response based on your individualised risk profile of both mother and baby. That being said, this is the reason why it is advisable for you to head to the hospital for closer monitoring once you are in active labour, so that parameters of both mother and child can be actively monitored via frequent physical examinations, as well as monitoring of the vital signs of both mother and baby.

What is the importance of monitoring the baby's movements during labour???

1y ago

Prior to active labour, it is important to monitor foetal movements. I refer to the previous talk on "Ask the Expert Series: Why is it Important to Count Kicks During Pregnancy?" that was held on 16 Aug on this platform. During active labour, rather that assessing foetal movements, healthcare professionals use a monitoring device known as a cardiotocograph (CTG) to monitor the foetal heart rate and labour contractions in real time to pick up any potential sign of distress as early as possible.

What is the common timing and duration of contractions in early labor?

1y ago

Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently.

Are there any telltale signs that it's time to head to the hospital?

1y ago

You want to be looking out for when contractions become regular, frequent, and increasingly intense. Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently. Once in the hospital, a healthcare professional would do a per vaginal examination to asses for the progression of cervical dilatation. Some other tell tale signs would include: a) The presence of bloody show (a pink, brown, or blood-tinged mucus discharge) b) Your water bag breaking. This is a clear sign that you should head to the hospital, as it may indicate that labor is imminent. Even if contractions have not yet started, the risk of infection increases when the water bag has ruptured. (2/2)

what is the role of mucus plug play in signaling the onset of labor?

1y ago

The presence of bloody show (a pink, brown, or blood-tinged mucus discharge) can indicate that labor is approaching.

How to distinguish between false alarms and actual labor symptoms?

1y ago

It's essential to differentiate between Braxton Hicks contractions and contractions associated with labor. Braxton Hicks contractions are typically irregular and go away with rest or a change in activity, while labor contractions become regular and more intense over time. Use a timer or contraction tracking app to monitor the frequency and duration of your contractions. This information will help determine if you're entering active labor. Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently.If you believe you are in labor, contact your healthcare provider or go to the hospital as advised.

How to differentiate between true labor and false labor?

1y ago

It's essential to differentiate between Braxton Hicks contractions (false contractions) and contractions associated with labor. Braxton Hicks contractions are typically irregular and go away with rest or a change in activity, while labor contractions become regular and more intense over time. Use a timer or contraction tracking app to monitor the frequency and duration of your contractions. This information will help determine if you're entering active labor. Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently.If you believe you are in labor, contact your healthcare provider or go to the hospital as advised.

Is it common for water to break as a sign of labour?

1y ago

Water breaking is not a sign of labour but rather, active labour typically soon follows once the water has broken. Pre-labour rupture of membranes or (PROM), it can be divided to term, preterm, & midtrimester PROM and the relative frequencies of occurrence are 8, 3, and

How do contractions change as labou progresses?

1y ago

They become increasingly frequent and increasingly more painful. Active labor contractions are typically about 4-5 minutes apart, last around 45-60 seconds, and continue to occur consistently.