hi everyone. for those that experience planned C sec how long does u guys takes to recover and how are the things u guys suffered after the operation???? im a first time mum and am reaching my due soon hesitating whether should i C sec or normal delivery.......

Took me 1 month to feel fine. I had a lot of help for the first month from both my mum and MIL. Without them I would have suffered a lot. Please accept or get as much as you can to fully recover yourself. Best to recover first before being hands on with the baby.
I had an emergency c sect and till today (5 months) I will be careful when doing an activity. not carrying heavy things etc. Many other csect moms says it took take at least 6 months to recover but it depends on you. Dont worry much about it. :)
If you don’t have any complications maybe opt for natural instead? Natural heals faster. Personally I’m more scared of c-sect 😅 Nevertheless it’s your birth experience, it’s your choice
Plan c-sec, recovery quite fast Stop painkiller 2nd day onwards, take care baby myself 😊 right after discharge I choose csec because I don't want to go through the labor pain
Depend on individual. The binder is very important to heal it took me about 4 month to fully be alright but on and off there will still be pulling pain.
Normal delivery would be abt 2 weeks i think.
6 weeks
6 weeks