These are the teething problems, not only the baby but you too are taking time to get back to your previous routine. Since, you have not only taken the decision to get back to work but have also started going, I suggest hold on for a while, and you both will get used to it. For the time being all you can do is when you are back from work, spend that time with your kid. Go to park with him, tell him stories ( not online) but either read for him or the ones you know. Eat together and cuddle him run around the house, do all little things and this all will make your bond stronger and instead on sulking on the time he is away with you, you both would look forward to that time of the day when you too will be together. See how things go, and if you still suffer from separation anxiety, you can take up some part time job or home based job.
Hi, Jecyl! I've seen that you now opted to do online jobs than staying out and working fulltime. That's a tough decision and do know that I support you all the way. Parenting can be a crazy rollercoaster ride and each one of us deal with it differently. With regards to dealing with separation anxiety, what I suggest is that you can do some short forms of meditation (either by taking deep breaths and having a mantra that notes the idea about things will get better today; or, writing in paper the benefits of working full time and being separated from your kid for a certain couple of hours every single day. This will help you with your mindset. You can also tell it in a fun way to your kid just so he knows why you are doing it. He may seem like he doesnt understand yet,but somehow, he does.
First convince yourself fully that you are ready for the full-time job. If you are not prepared then you will not be able to do justice to either work or home! If you can then opt for some flexible job or home-based job and go for a full-time job once your son is a bit more older.
I suggest you talk to him and set his mindset that you're only going to be away for a few hours before going to work or before he leaves for school. or if it would help let him know that you'll bring something home for him if he self-regulates.
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You can opt for a part time home based job and homeschool your child since your kid is just 4 years old. Then you won't have to deal with separation anxiety.
If he already uses a smartphone and the school allows him to use it, calling him every recess may help somehow.
Hi Jared. Thank you so much for your response. I did try calling him every now and then but my calls only lead to him crying even more and begging me to come back home. I am doubting now my decision to become working mom from full time mom.
Jecyl Louis Balotite-Rojo