28 Balas
Neurogain is good ...can take for lactation years too. but got one enhanced formula vit from same neurogain company, called Ganilia...only 1 vit complete for all nutrient..feel so healthy, HB, BP, baby's size all okay
Doc told me its ok to consume neurogain bcoz its juz a supplement. I started consuming neurogain when i was 30w. Good to take it when 7mths and above to avoid hyperactive baby.
Hye mummy. My doctor give me neurogain gain for free. And he told me the neurogain good for baby brain developement. I also take pramilet n calcium as supplement
Me too
My O&G Doctor prescribed the Neurogain during my 7 months of pregnancy. I use to take Blackmores for Pregnancy & Breastfeeding Capsules together with oral Calcium+D3 and add on oral Iberet Folate. 🤗
hi mummy. I never take neurogain since day 1 pregnant. now I only consume maltofer and surbex calcium d3. can u guys share w me what type of neurogain that good for pregnancy? currently 33 weeks
neurogain can only consume after 7m pregnant, and if u have no other problem with baby, u can take the normal neurogain for pregnant women with blue label
Why i never been prescribed for neurogain before? :( currently I’m 33 weeks already is it too late to consume? And which type of clinic you guys went to get the neurogain? Is it private or gov?
usually private,it just only supplement brain health for baby
Neurogain is best starting from 7m+. Not to early to avoid hyperactive. Yes you can consume it with acid folic and such. 😁
thank you mama
Ok je neurogain ni dia makanan tambahan (supplement). Anak abg i dulu makan neurogain ni waktu preggy, kluar2 banyak akal sampai tak terlarat nak layan, aktif. Bagusnye bijak.
Sy makan neurogain pb sejak kandungan 6 bulan, skrg dah masuk botol ke 3. Dan xmkn vit lain. Harap baby okay dan sihat kat dalam.
DHA is for otak baby development only. u still need the other prenatal for ur hb. utk yg lengkap, can try iberet. klu x ngam, cuba obimin pluz. can also take calcium..
I didn't take neurogain but I took nutrilite omega fish oil instead. Source is from norweign salmon fish..
5 the
Norfazlinda Mohdzaki