Morning sickness

Hi everyone. I’m a newbie here. Just found out that I’m currently pregnant for almost 8 weeks now. Tapi I nak tau. Is there any cure for a morning sickness? It’s getting worse everyday😅. And making me hilang selera makan. I can only consumes buah. 🥺 Thanks mommies.#pleasehelp #firstbaby

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Hi. Theres no cure but you can try to ease/lessen the symptoms. Its normal to feel that way early pregnancy. I pun first trimester makan buah dgn susu sampai hilang 3kg 😂 tp no worries masuk 2nd nnt slowly akan dapat selera balik. Nak kurang mual kena makan sikit tapi kerap. Makan je buah kalau tu je yg ok. Its healthy as well. Boleh try jgk yogurt, air honey lemon suam bagi kurang mual. Makan benda yg bersup. Kena test sendiri cari makanan apa yg kena dgn tekak

Baca lagi
2y ago

Will do. Thanks for the advise sis❤️