What Is the Best Brain Food for kids?

Hello everyone! Excited to “see” you! I am Venice Ho Mun Pheng, Nutritionist from Nutrigene. Together with the team at TAP, we would love to help as many of you as we can on your parenting journey. If you want your baby to improve his focus and concentration, and support his brain development, you should consider adding some good brain food to his daily diet. Join me at this Q&A session, and drop your inquiries about your kid's nutrition in the comment below. Topic: What Is the Best Brain Food for kids? Date: Thursday, 24 November 2022 Time: 8.00 pm to 9.00 pm -------------------------------------------------------------------------- 👩- Which foods are harmful to my baby's brain development? 👩‍💼- Food that are harmful to the baby: Excessive sugar and salt; Raw food (might have food contamination); Trans fat: crisps, biscuits, cake, fast food; Colored food, artificial colorings – too much might cause cognitive problem, ADHD, anxiety, hyperactivity, headaches; Caffeine – energy drink, carbonated drink; Honey – might contain bacteria, don’t give baby until over 1 year old 👩- My baby is a picky eater,. he is not interested in green leave and most of vegetable, What are the best other food I can offer him. Is there any way to increase his appetite? 👩‍💼- They will try new food for 12-15 times before they can be comfortable with it. Parents need to be patience. The kids are trying new thing. And the best things we can do as parents is to relax and try again. Vitamin b complex may increase the appetite. But if you are giving supplement, be sure to choose the supplement made from natural ingredients. Fix meal time. No snacks in between meals. Reduce sugar intake and snacks, these will affect their appetite. Avoid any disruption while eating: watching tv/ cartoon, angry at kids, play while eating --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Here are some questions asked in our community, and we got the answers for you ✅

24 Replies

What are the the most important nutrients for your baby's brain? How does they help to develop baby's brain?

Baby’s brain is still growing, so it needs different types of nutrients: good fat (omega 3), choline, protein, zinc, iron, iodine, Vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E n etc. These nutrients are essential to build brain and nerve cells, enhance cognitive learning and boost memory function. Although we know a balanced diet is important for their brain’s health, nutrient requirements vary between individuals according to age, gender as well as their own genes. One size never fits all. Eat only what our body needs.

Can Baby Food Lead to Issues with Brain Development? Which food better to avoid?

Try to avoid baby food with artificial colorings, sugar additives (eg: High fructose corn syrup). Always read the labels before buying any packaging food. Baby food to avoid/ reduce intake: Rice cereals/ snacks made with rice flour might be high in arsenic (heavy metal); Juice which is high in sugar but lack of fiber, might cause tooth decay. But to be honest, it’s quite hard to avoid them totally since most of us are working parents and eat out frequently. So we have to increase the antioxidant levels in our kids, and enhancing the liver detoxification function by giving the right nutrients to kids. From my experience in genetic consultation, I found that many kids are genetically lacking of antioxidants. Toxins/ heavy metals are everywhere nowadays. By lacking of antioxidants and poor liver detoxification, the contaminants from food/ water or air might affect the kids’ cognitive learning and health condition.

Which vegetable we need add to baby's diet when we start food for first time?

Offering an iron-rich food since iron stores in babies start to run out around 6 months and they’ll need to start taking from their food. But parents have to monitor baby’s poop (prevent constipation) The foods should generally be soft enough to squish between your fingers. Examples of food puree or finger food: pureed cooked meat/fish/poultry, sweet potato wedges, steamed broccoli florets, banana, mashed avocado, apple, yogurt, squash, cooked egg and etc

What is the safe threshold for kids for candy, soda and other sugary snacks?

Added sugar daily intake recommendations: 4-6 years old – 19g (5 teaspoons) 7 years old to adult – 25g (6 teaspoons) There’s no guideline limit for children under four years of age, but it’s recommended that they avoid sugar-sweetened drinks and foods with added sugar. Introduce sugar or salt too early to our kids will damage their taste buds. Always read the nutrition fact and take note on the sugar level of packaging food/drink

Which food are harmful to my baby's brain development?

For baby under 6 month olds, they only need breastmilk or formula milk. Can introduce solid food and some water to baby from 6-month old and above. Food that are harmful to the baby: Excessive sugar and salt; Raw food (might have food contamination); Trans fat: crisps, biscuits, cake, fast food; Colored food, artificial colorings – too much might cause cognitive problem, ADHD, anxiety, hyperactivity, headaches; Caffeine – energy drink, carbonated drink; Honey – might contain bacteria, don’t give baby until over 1 year old

How does nutrition affect the developing brain?

Consider food and nutrients the fuel for your child’s brain. Nutrients are required to build brain and nerve cells, enhance cognitive development and memory function. For example, omega 3 is one of the most important nutrients for brain health. But there are 2 things for parents to take note: 1. if you are breastfeeding your new-born baby, make sure that your breastmilk contains enough arachidonic acid, which is essential for brain development. It can be found out by doing DNA test. 2. Other than omega 3, we can provide vitamin b complex for normal nerve cells development. However, every individual is not the same. What we eat much depending on our gene. Of course we can give general brain food but to be more accurate, we can know from our gene which nutrient do we really need. According to my genetic consultation, lots of kids have a higher need in omega 3 to enhance their cognitive learning, memory ability as well as reducing their risk of getting cardiovascular diseases in older

What are the top brain foods for children?

I would say a balanced diet is most important. To have a healthy brain, we need these: good fat (omega 3), choline, protein, zinc, iron, iodine, Vitamin A, B complex, C, D, E n etc But to know the actual nutrients that our kids really need, it’s better do a DNA test once in a lifetime, with 1-on-1 consultation on your kids’ personalized diet plan.


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