Covid-19 Jab
EDD in december Still contemplating to take the jab as I'm worried it will have long term effects on the baby. Anyone EDD in Dec , but still proceed with the jab?
5 Replies

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Hello Mummy, yes you may go for the jab even if your EDD is in Dec.. if you get it after giving birth, you might be too weak during your confinement and some of your relatives might visit your baby, making you both vulnerable. Jiayou!
3y ago
My edd is in december too! Just took my second dose two days ago. No symptoms on both doses for me if you need to know, just sore arms :)
I also edd in Dec . Still thinking wanna take the jab anot. 😐
My cousin edd in dec and already taken the jab
me and im done w both dose 😊
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