does your toddler refuse to brush his/her teeth? how to handle it?

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My toddler absolutely loves brushing her teeth -- twice a day -- and quite often cleans her tongue too. Guess I've been lucky but she loves to mimic our behavior. "Mom and dad are brushing? Oh wait, how can they do so without me!" Here are some tips that worked for us: 1) Make her look at herself in the mirror while brushing her teeth. Tell her to follow certain strokes and check back in the mirror on how clean and shiny it became after brushing. 2) Take her to the store and let her select a toothbrush and toothpaste for herself -- of course, the ones in the kids' section. Kids have a sense of ownership for things they choose for themselves. Also, you can choose fruity flavors that she'd love for sure. 3) Tell her that her favorite toys also brush and make her brush them too. 4) Reinforce the fact that she feels super-fresh after cleaning her teeth. 5) On occasions, offer to help her out clean the hard-to-reach areas. She won't let you control for more than say 10 seconds but be sure to practice your masterstrokes within 5-10 seconds. It's difficult but who said parenting was easy ;)

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