BM/ FM preference

Does baby have milk preference? I think my baby does 🧐 from the way she finishes her milk. My baby is on BM in the day and FM at night, when a 100ml BM is served, it will take her 2/3 times to finish the milk. For example, 10am I feed her BM, she will drink 40-60ml, so I will keep the remaining back to the warmer, and feed again within an hour. The cycle repeats, I don’t see her finish the BM at one go unless she is super duper hungry. But during the night or when we go out, she finishes the FM at one go. Or maybe some little left over. Sometimes she will also drink 40-60ml and I will keep warm the remaining like how I do for BM. Am I overthinking? Isit due to the amount of milk she can intake or maybe really she prefers FM?

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Hey there! It's totally normal to wonder about your baby's milk preference. Every baby is different, and they might have their own preferences when it comes to breastmilk (BM) or formula (FM). From what you've described, it sounds like your baby might be able to drink more milk at once when it's formula compared to breastmilk. This could be because formula tends to be a bit heavier and more filling, so your baby might feel satisfied with one go. If your baby is finishing the formula at one go and seems content, then it's likely just a matter of her being able to take in more milk in one feeding with formula. As long as she's gaining weight well and having enough wet diapers, there's no need to worry. However, if you're concerned about her intake, you could try offering smaller, more frequent breastmilk feedings during the day to see if she can take in more at once. You could also consult with your pediatrician for personalized advice based on your baby's specific needs. Overall, trust your instincts as a mom and don't stress too much. Babies can be picky eaters sometimes, but as long as she's getting the nutrition she needs, you're doing a great job!

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How about you switch the timings to rest? Bm at night, fm in the day.

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Dont forget to consider the sweetness of formula milk!

