Dont give a damn
Does anyone so tired to the extend that when bb cries u just let them be? For 20mins

That's too long. We will ALL be tired, especially new parents. But baby needs all the comfort and feeling secure. Alot of air will get into babies stomach and cause stomach pain. And more cries aft that. Settle the baby all nice and comfy like the cntributer that saed to check the 4 things like diaper chnge, hunger or colic etc. Only then you'll get more rest. Pls, your baby needs you alot now. Try get someone to assist caring for your baby while you regenerate. Take care.
Read moreCheck for the diaper, hunger, gas (try burping) or boredom (they just need some cuddling, skin to skin time). If all is well then try this I found this magical video which successfully calms down my baby every single time! Just play it and rock your baby for a while and they'll sleep. Don't let them cry for long. Not good for them. Good luck & take care 👍
Read more20 mins is too long, I ever ignore my lo around 10 mins when he's around 4 months plus. He stopped crying afterwards, as he cry is because want attention. But within the 10 mins, I do peek on him on and off, not really ignore him totally.
Baby cries for 4 good reasons. 1. Colic 2. Hungry 3. Diaper change 4. Sleepy. Do checklist on these four and the baby wouldn't be crying. 20mins is too long and if all four u already done and baby still crying, calm down, go see doctor.
Hi, Leaving the kids to cry might also make them tired and it can lead to tummy ache as well. Would suggest to get some help from family so that you do not get exhausted but letting baby to cry wouldn't be best
No pls don't ignore your baby . How old is baby ? Crying is the way they communicate . Pls try to comfort them as much as you can , use pacifier or ask help from family members
20min is too long. it's bad for them emotionally and also they will swallow too much air and will have a tummy ache.
For me no. But I have known friend or relative letting baby cry it out for 1.5hours.
Too long.. ask someone to help u take over a while u take a breather la..
Do try and get some help from family members if you can. Take good care!