Hospitalization leave
Hi, does anyone know if gynae can issue hospitalization leave before maternity leave?

I am going to get my HL as well as i am now 30weeks jobscope involved prolonged standing and a lots of tummy getting heavier lately and I suffered from left sciatica nerve leg pain already..just realised myself easily getting dizzy and extremely tired too as well increased heart rate as i monitored myself these few weeks closing to my 30 weeks pregnancy today..guess time to get some rest at home and preparing myself for baby’s arrival..will still keep myself active though but not constant walking as in my working environment..I recommend that all pregnant ladies outside there go take ur HL that you need and listen to your body..don’t take risk,think of yourself and your baby that you’re carrying inside..
Read moreJust wanna add on to this thread cos it has helped me a lot. I am 30 weeks+ now and able to WFH but feeling very stressed and tired. Also have bad backpain & been losing weight cos of my nausea (I have morning sickness throughout my whole pregnancy). My doctor is very nice to give me HL until I deliver. I just asked him and he said no problem. He will extend every 2 weeks then 1 week after 35 weeks. Feeling much relaxed now because I can focus to rest and get ready for the delivery!
Read morehi there, could I ask which hospital and which gynae is this
Yes they can. I received hospitalisation leave for my 1st and 2nd daughter. I had gestational diabetes both times. 1st was due to very high blood sugar levels. I was hospitalised for about 4 days to monitor my levels. Was given HL up till the day I gave birth. For 2nd daughter, I had a series of low blood sugar levels so given HL to rest at home until I gave birth.
Read moreOf cos they can for private and govt. But it should all voice down to how serious your condition is or how empathic is your gynae is? I was given HL 6 months before i gave birth althou used up the 60 days of HL only available, the rest is unpay leave. At least, it proved that i am unfit to be at work.
Read moreDon't get mistaken. hospitalization leave does not have to be hospialized. Including your medical leave, you have 60 days annually. there's no reason your gynae can't give you because he or she has nothing to lose. in short, you can have another two months to rest.
Hospitalisation leave have to be hospitalised unless diagnosed with pregnancy complications that needs bed rest. According to the MOM website.
My gynae from private clinic gave 5 weeks hl for my 1st tri as I'm suffering from morning sickness. Gave me another week right before my maternity start as I started Braxton hicks every night. Yes describe how demanding your job scope is and say u feeling tired etc..
astra woman at mt e novena specialist clinic. Dr fong yang
You have to check your company's hr policy whether there is any restrictions though. As I think my company have policy like any hospitalisation leave taken just before maternity leave for pregnancy reasons are treated automatically treated as maternity leave.
It was during my last 3 weeks that I request to my gynae if can issue me mc under hospitalization leave because i got swollen legs and cannot tahan the commute. And he issue it to me without further questions
My gynae will issue but not sure whether my company allows it or not, stressing about this since I want to start my maternity leave on my EDD and not push it forward...
i got 2 months hospitalization leave before my maternity leave. My doctor is good enaf to give me that.☺
Can I know which gynae you all went
First time mummy