Does anyone can kind of smell their discharge? Like even sitting down or changing clothes i can smell it. Results came out normal aft Gynae has checked the ph level and if there is any bacteria. But why is it seems to be kinda smelly or strong smell? Any solution or anyone experiencing too?

Not too sure. However i ever heard that what we eat plays a part as well. Thus at times our discharge colour and smell will change. Also when our period is nearing ir just ended. But definitely food we eat afterall, we are what we eat.
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Yes normal. Try using cotton material Wash often ( pls abstain from using wet wipes) Dry wipe it And sometimes if you are taking DHA it contributes to the odour too. ( but it's unavoidable)
Read moreDepends on your food intake. Too much fish intake, it will be smelly too. During pregnancy, usually it stinks more for mine. What i do, i change my pantyliner very regularly.
I use vagisil cranberry. Smell not so bad after. But also I change panty liner regularly too. Have to keep it trimmed down there too.
Yes, during pregnancy also. Uses panty liners most of the time, unscented ones. Change regularly if your discharge tends to be alot
I noticed during pregnancy, my discharge smell is also stronger than usual. Post pregnancy, back to normal. Must be hormones too?
Yes. Pretty common. Wash clean every time u go to the loo. Wear panty liner when you are outside.
Read moreYes. Much has to do with what we eat. Try to keep it clean down below and drink lots of water.
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