Do women always deliver on their due date?

Not really. I read that only 5 percent of women give birth when they think they will (their EDD). Most women -- about 80 percent -- deliver sometime between 37 and 42 weeks. About 11 percent deliver prematurely. It's also been observed that a first-time mom can look back at her mother's childbirth history. If her mother delivered one week past her due date, she is more apt to deliver one week past your her due date as well.
Read moreNo2 start to dilate at 36weeks, hence have a jab incase baby come out earlier. But manage to stay till 38 weeks. On the actual day, if gynae didn't burst the water bag, and didn't speed up the contraction, i think he may still stay inside for another 1 or 2 days perhaps. So it's really depend on ur body. Some people walk so much and still didn't dilate when they are their edd dates. I didn't walk much like no1 , dilate faster perhaps slower(long story) and was ask to walk lesser.
Read moreNot true. My EDD was 23rd October and my baby was delivered on 20th October. It's an estimated date. There are lots of factors which may cause the baby to come out either earlier or later. I've had friends who delivered as early as 12 weeks earlier due to pregnancy complications.
Not really.. My 1st bby delivered 10days early, 2nd bby on 37w, my 3rd bby exactly on my edd.. My 4th bby i dont know wether he wanna come out early or right on time.. Hehehe.. When u are in third trimester, just b prepare that u will b delivered anytime.. 😊😊
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EDD is just an estimated delivery date based on ultrasound. Normally varies 1-2 weeks from EDD. For both of my pregnancies. 1st one delivered exactly on the day of EDD and 2nd one 3 days before EDD.
My first child the doctor said I will deliver on the 27 of October and it happened on that day early in the morning my labour pain started and I delivered my baby girl.
not really, its depend, some people early than the due date and some people late than the due date. Like me, i early 1 week than my due date:)
No, it's actually more common to go over your due date or go early. Out of my entire family I was the only one to be born on my due date
A due date is an estimated date of delivery and not the confirmed actual Date. Hence, some deliver earlier and some deliver later