4 Replies

Yes. It is best that mommies check with the airport and airlines before booking their flight. Not all airlines allow expressed Breastmilk to go onboard the airplanes. Moreover, certain airports do not have equipment to analyse Breastmilk content. I have read a story of an airport at Florence which do not have the equipment to analyse Breastmilk content and refuse to let the expressed Breastmilk go on board. They forced the mommy to check in the milk bags. In the end, all the expressed milk were spoiled when it finally reached it's destination. https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2015/10/15/terrible-outcome-after-airline-forces-mother-to-send-breast-milk-to-checked-baggage/

Yes. It is best that mommies check with the airport and airlines before booking their flight. Not all airlines allow expressed Breastmilk to go onboard the airplanes. Moreover, certain airports do not have equipment to analyse Breastmilk content. I have read a story of an airport at Florence which do not have the equipment to analyse Breastmilk content and refuse to let the expressed Breastmilk go on board. They forced the mommy to check in the milk bags. In the end, all the expressed milk were spoiled when it finally reached it's destination. https://pjmedia.com/parenting/2015/10/15/terrible-outcome-after-airline-forces-mother-to-send-breast-milk-to-checked-baggage/

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