Feel I’m a lousy mom
Didnt breastfeed, did pumping, supply not enough, newborn keep crying for milk, not sleeping well, now baby is 10 mo, I still feel so lousy at times. He keeps rubbing eyes n nose, i don’t know what’s wrong. Seems like I have made many wrong decisions eg not letting him have pacifier n teether when he was young, not sending him to ifc... etc

Hi, I also cut down on breast feeding and change to feeding from milk bottles caused my baby quite picky and rely too much on breastfeeding. My girl is almost 9months old and we didn’t send her to ifc too caused of covid etc. Maybe u can try increasing the milk volume gradually like 10-20ml and see if that was the case. I stop breast feeding when my baby is 6mo. So don’t feel bad about it. My baby girl also rub her eyes and nose or even ears when she’s tired (cranky). U can try swaddle your baby to sleep. I still swaddling my 8mo baby so that she can sleep better and longer and she can sleep through for 6-8hrs now. But also caused she like to scratch herself unknowingly during her sleep which caused some injuries so this is one of the reason why we still swaddling her at this age. I only give my baby pacifier recently caused baby start to feel itchy due to teething. But I only give her when she’s sleeping. Other than that, we don’t give her when she’s awake. U can still get some teether for your boy now as their teeth is still growing. There are teether for 6mo from kiddy palace (different texture or softness which help the baby). My 8mo will still take teether to bite as they just put anything into their mouth so I rather they bite teether 😂
Read moreHello! its ok for not breastfeeding. i stopped bf when baby was 1 mth, and started feeding him formula milk. Don't listen to those rubbish old ppl tell u must bf. If its really very troublesome for u then just give up. Its nth wrong. (: Rubbing eyes might mean he is tired but couldn't sleep? maybe u can give him a handkerchief that will make him feel secure? My boy didnt like Pacifier, but he is happily sucking his thumb. As for ifc, the cons of ifc is that baby keep falling sick. Its like just recover from cold then diarrhea the next week. And I have no back up to take care of him. me & my hub need to take turns to take leave to take care of him. When he get sick i also fell sick. my mc use till left 3.5 days, and still 0.5 yr left. :( I believe that you have did your best in taking care of your baby. So don't worry about it, everything will be ok. You are not alone, and we just keep pushing on. Look forward to a new day & jiayous together ❤
Read moreI didn’t latch, but I pump & still provide breastmilk. My supply is not enough, so I give formula . The baby still get fed. So pls don’t blame urself for it. If he keep running eyes & nose, maybe he’s feeling tired? I don’t give pacifier (and I didn’t regret it) and she don’t like teether (so I didn’t give). My girl goes to Ifc bcos there’s no one to take care of her at home, not because we want to . I don’t feel at all being a lousy Mum. In fact, I’m feeling great. So if you think there’s something not right, try to find the reason and fixed it. And you are definitely not a lousy mum
Read moreHello dear. Have you tried power pumping? Please don’t feel bad. You did your part by trying. I didn’t give my daughter pacifier too when she was younger nor send her to infant care. But she turns out pretty fine. He prolly just feel tired and sleep when he rub his eyes and nose that’s the cue for most babies. My daughter does that a lot. Even when she rejects solids she also tend to do that. Hugs ok.
Read moreWe definitely have those days that we doubt ourselves. But hey, baby is now 10mo, surely you did something right, right? So don’t be too hard on yourself, Mama. Give yourself a break when you need to, prioritise self-care so that you can care for baby 🧡 let’s not be too hard on ourselves.
Don’t think that way. Fed is the best! I do mixed feeding.. I give formula milk also. You can save yourself from sanity by giving pacifier. Nothing wrong with that. Send your children to sch can learn more things. Do what is best for u mummy!
pls don’t feel bad and you are definitely not a lousy mum! maybe your baby is teething that’s why he’s alittle cranky?