Did anyone uses the babasling brand for your newborns? Is it easy to put on and off and does the baby feels comfortable with the materials?

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I would recommend a ring sling instead as i find it easier to tighten and achieve a snug fit around the small newborn. It's recommended to carry upright by the way, rather than cradle hold. It's also easier to latch in a ring sling as the adjusting point is in front. Here are some local online retailers that sell ring slings. Prices start from $65. - http://www.warabeehs.com/sling - http://www.jarsoffluff.com/collections/ring-slings - http://smoochsmoochbaby.com/collections/ring-sling - http://www.fluffmail.com.sg/collections/ring-sling - http://www.careringsling.com/collections/carering-sling-textile - https://www.13thirteen.com.sg/search?q=Ring+sling Videos on using ring sling with newborn https://youtu.be/e2BCdRfQAvQ https://youtu.be/bRdGksTvDwk https://youtu.be/d5s64mUBea8 Photo attached is the Mizuiro ring sling Lite from Warabee.

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Ermm i used a babasling and i loved it from the very start. Moreover my baby was small at 2.8kg and the babasling worked well for me till today he is 3 years old. Comfortable and easy to use.

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For newborns baba slings not really suitable as it's very big even at the tightest. I would recommend using a ringsling first. Once your baby gets bigger, you can use a baba sling.

I use the babasling. The free sg50 sling when my bb is a nb. When he grew up i switch to carrier