Did anyone put your newborn or infant onto a normal mattress to sleep instead of a baby cot? What do you think of using mattress because it seems more practical that way.

We put baby there to play and sleep in the day time since 2 months till now that he is abt 7 months. But now he knows how to flip and can flip quite fast so there were a few instances he flip off the bed and land on the floor and cry - my mattress is the standard single mattress - not the skinny kind. At night baby co-sleep w us or sleep in the cot in our room. Normal mattress will be ok if u putting against the wall and have the bed shield at the edges or encompass it w pillows. But for newborn they can turn much - just ensure it's a hard mattress if u do choose so
Read moreI guess it’s your personal preference? 😄 For us, baby started sleeping on mattress in her own room when she was 6 months old onwards. Before, she slept in cot. We placed 2 single sized mattress side by side so she got more space to flip or be in whatever creative position she likes. Then we use door stopper on our and her door to prevent the room door from closing totally. So when she wakes up, she can straight away crawl to our room by herself.
Read moreActually, it depends on indiv preference. There is no right or wrong way as each family's lifestyle differs. We had baby cot but in the end, baby co sleep with us on the bed. When baby was older, we transferred him to mattress because he was old enough to turn and afraid of him falling off the bed. We made sure that the sides are cushioned and all are surrounded by pillows etc.
Read moreI feel cot ( or play pen which I used ) is more practical as no need to bend down as much. Newborn has so many up & down. As lo got older , I found mattress more practical as can co sleep. Do what fits you best ! As long as you can keep the mattress area safe. No pets no older jumping kids ( maybe pets are safe , idk)
Read moreLol i had a co sleeper and i had a baby cot, both never used in the end. Initially used the baby cot and baby slept on his own. Well he had his own room. After which i moved to a smaller flat and had to co sleep. Till date he sleeps with us and on our mattress.
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A bed is a bed just font over loss it with blankets and stuffed animaldy
Yes I do .. from he born until now .. we r co sleeping together
I could sleep with my baby for easier breastfeeding and bonding