6 Replies

Position baby a lil more upright when feeding. Dont lie baby down. And doctor say to hold baby in feeding position for 30mins minimum even if u managed to burp. I usually just put baby on my chest (tummy time) after 5mins because my LO angsty if she fall asleep drinking and we wake her up to burp. So id just lie her down on my tummy for 30mins which help relief gas and reflux. Then transfer to bed.

u put your baby on your chest as in u lying,sitting on bed?

Mine too 😭 I’m not sure if it’s my BM so I’m starting to give AR formula. Only started yesterday, hoping it’ll work. 1 thing I did religiously and saw improvement is to hold baby upright for 30mins after feed. Can try!

I think AR formula will work but then after that will slowly wean off AR formula.Someone at this formula share about this before.

My baby ☹️ i still dont have solution. I even went to polyclinic and they also dont have any “solution” cs so called they will outgrow it. My baby is 1 month old

Thank you for the replies.Normal reflux and silent reflux is different. Silent reflux is more scary than normal reflux as the baby will cough and appears to be choking.

Hi, my baby too has silent reflux. Can I know if you went to poly or hospital instead ?

Hi my 2 mth old is having silent reflux, on Omeperzole now. How is your LO?



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