3 Replies

Yes . She discover a new skill and is testing out. And yes, she will discover she can use this to show her unhappiness. So you must remain calm & never scream back. Cos if u scream, she will scream even louder. I talk to her in a soft tone and she stop her screaming . But, she will start her again if things don’t go her way. It’s normal. Model what u want her behaviour to be, distract her etc. And also the reactions adults give her plays a part. If she realise that her screaming catches ur attention, she will do it too.

Is normal I think. My LO like to scream loud then I will tell him can we scream softly. He seem understand what I said and test the tone. But not always useful.


yes normal, my 10m screaming too but (personally) it’s time to instill discipline i.e. we don’t let her get her way at times

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