Dear all breastfeeding mummies, recently I just found that nursing rooms at the mall in Singapore are very limited. Will you choose to breastfeed in public area (dining place or public seats at mall)? I feel embarrassed to do so. I always feel somewhat in a hurry and stressful while shopping with baby.

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Vin croweded places, feed with cover lah. If the place like non AC hawker, i feed without cover but dat is provided my top is suitable to do do.

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If hubby is around i am confident to feed anywhere in public without a cover. When hubby is not around I feed anywhere with a cover :)

Bring along a nursing shawl. its perfectly ok to nurse yr kids in public. U are feeding your babies so no need to feel embarrassed.

I always feed my son anywhere and anytime. It helps that I babywear so I can feed him on the go, with no prying eyes.

Can get those bamboo nursing covers that are very cooling and breathable to cover when breastfeeding outside.

Hi @Vanessa Teo, bf with wide t-shirt?