Passing stools so many times
My daughter is 6 days old and had a mild jaundice which is fine now. She is passing stools 5-6 times a day. Is that okay? Anything to worry about?

dont worry mama.. in fact it is good. cause thats the way the baby remove the yelllow pigment. last time my boy poop 11 times a day hahahaha
Shouldn't be an issue :) Also, if she's fully breastfed, she could also have periods where she don't poop for up to 14 days! Just a heads up haha :)
yeap, totally normal! if you're really concern, can just let the doc know during the next check up.
It is normal. Generally happens because of the medicines for jaundice. Still can check with a Doc.
I think it’s normal but if you’re worried, please bring your baby to your family doctor
It is normal. If concerned, you can share this with the doctor during her next follow up.
actually its good so that the jaundice can reduce too..
It is normal mommy. Dont worry 😊
Totally normal! Nothing to worry.

Mama of 3!