Staying with MIL and expect me to do whatever she did after given birth

Currently staying @ in law’s and its just getting way too annoying MIL keep telling me i should be doing this i should be doing that be it during pregnant or after given birth. She expect me to do whatever she did when she was pregnant & given birth. It’s so annoying. Her days are long gone and some people need to really stop expecting the newer generation or us, to do whatever they did in the olden days. To them everything they did is correct and everything we do is wrong just because they have lived longer and brought up more children ? My parents never even say anything but she’s always the one exaggerating. She even say itll be harder for me to give birth vaginally just cause im petite and skinny. Im 1.56cm & weighed 50kg before pregnancy i believe thats average. I can foresee my postpartum ill be more depressed because of her than the baby itself. And also she like to tell me to do stupid stuff like oh thats what the people in the olden days did. And i should be doing it. Like when bathing on the day im gg to hospital to give birth i should suck the end of my hair. Like wtf? I should eat 1 tablespoon of oil so baby will slit out smoothly. I should unlock all locks in my room. And keep saying i should drink coconut water so baby will be clean when birthed. So what if baby is dirty? The baby literally lived inside me for months ofcourse when it first come out itll not be as clean. And die die keep saying i should get a masseuse for my baby to hot compress my baby boy’s ball sack. Man this is getting way too annoying and ofcourse oldies being oldies they will never want to hear what we want to say. I did tell my husband all these and he just told me to ignore cause he also dont believe all these. Malay mums and their stupid beliefs.

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