Csect work after maternity leave
Hi csect mummies, after your maternity leave ended and you went back to work, does your csect still hurts and were you able to walk properly and do work as per normal ? Im so worried once my ML ends and i need to go back to work but my csect still hurts or smtg

You can do mild massages to your scar. So that it doesn’t restrict your movement as it heals. Just gentle circular motions along it.. this is to regain the use of the nerves as well.
Mine doesn’t hurt after confinement period. Just sometimes it’s a little sensitive when I do certain movement but walking is no problem. I even carry my baby using a hip seat.
I was okay after 1 month doing usual activities at home. And went back to work after 4 months as usual. Didnt have pain walking .
mine doctor checked everything OK after 2 months but I still feel very tender n pain occasionally at the site
For me it hurts when I sit down for too long. slow and steady.. wear girdle if possible.
i was ok within 3 mths