I am 18 wk pregnant. And i have tested covid positive. Shall i request MOH for hospital transfer?
Covid + during 18 wk

you should call home recovery buddy to help expedite your request. but do note that they will take some time to get back to you. i just recovered from covid too. and got sent to kkh only on the 4th day since I tested positive. i hope you're fully vaxxed. in the mean time do use the oximeter to check ur oxygen level. reading >95 is good, otherwise please call 995 immediately. do call 995 also if you experience any severe symptoms. takecare and i wish you and your baby well.
Read moreomg dear....please go kkh hospital straight cause they can monitor your situation especially since u pregnant. please do not wait, very dangerous for baby. Take care n keep us updated
You should seek medical assistance since you are pregnant, hoping that everything is well for both you and baby. Do keep us posted. 🙏🏻
oh dear.. hope u managed to be in touch with MOH for best solution for your situation. praying all will be well for u and baby
Please do! Covid can endanger your unborn child so yes, definitely a yes!
Yes u shld! Call ur gynae too!! Speedy recovery to you mama and baby!!
How are you mommy? Hope both of you and baby are well!
get well soon mummy!!!
speedy recovery !
Get well soon!!