Shld I go GP to confirm pregnancy before Gynae visit
Hi I'm a first timer. Did a home pregnancy kit and got positive, estimate im at 6th wk now. Already made an appointment with private Gynae but earliest app will be on my 9th wk already. Should I go GP to do a test to confirm my pregnancy?#pleasehelp #advicepls

i took 3 pregnancy tests over a period of 2 weeks, all positive. made an appt and was scheduled to only come in at 8 weeks .. gynae said below 8 weeks might not see or hear anything .. 8 - 9 weeks is perfect to do the 1st trimester check and vaginal ultrasound .. can already hear the heartbeat and see a kidney bean fetus .. i'd suggewt you take another test, but im sure if your period not here n a + result, you are pregnant . however if u still wana go to the GP to check for a peace of mind, go for it . they usually just test your urine, same thg like a pregnancy test .. :)
Read moreI took the test and once i saw the lines I called to a private Gynae to ask them if I’m able to do blood test (to test HCG level) to confirm if I’m indeed pregnant as the lines on the test kit were quite faint. I was about 5 weeks back then and they did a transvaginal scan and ultrasound but couldn’t see anything, no implantation yet. The clinic suggested me to come back on the 8th week, during the scan I was able to see the embryo and also listened to the heart beat :)
Read morehome pregnancy test kits are largely accurate. I don't think it's necessary to go to a GP to confirm your pregnancy. for me , I tried a few test at home over a few days (cuz I just couldn't believe it since we've been trying for so long). I got all positives and I just called my private gynae for the next appointment where I did an ultrasound to confirm.
Read moreif you have tested and it's confirmed, also booked a gynae appointment then can leave it.. week 9 first appointment is ideal.. take daily folic acid until you go for your visit.. unless you want to go government hospital for checks then go gp, because some gp doesn't check pregnancy and straight away refer you to government hospital..
Read moreI took a pregnancy kit when I was about week 5 and the line came out almost immediately so I booked an appt with a private gynae with my first appt scheduled at 10 weeks. didn't take any more test after that and just proceed with my holiday after testing positive once :) just trust your gut feeling!
If you had tested positive, immediately make an appointment with gynaecologist after 6weeks pregnant and must take folic acid once knowing or before pregnant. Not necessary to go GP to make sure it.
I went for my first gynae at 6th week, can see bb and hear heartbeat via vaginal ultrasound! your private gynae so long queue ahhhh? RMB take folic acid in the mean time!
You have to wait till week 8/9 to see something through the transvaginal scan. Just do one more test at home probably the following week to confirm
I didn’t do test at polyclinic cos I took at home 3 times and was pretty sure I was pregnant. You can do so for peace of mind
No need GP! GP will only let you do pregnancy test. Unless you request for blood test. :)