Find and Win with FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller Giveaway

To participate and stand a chance to win, simply: 1. Participate in the contest here: 2. Find the missing piece and comment on it in the comment section below One LUCKY WINNER will receive FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo 2 Stroller

Find and Win with FJBenjamin Babyzen Yoyo2 Stroller Giveaway
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The missing piece is ‘A’! Been eyeing the babyzen yoyo2 after seeing many parents using it on the streets. After seeing a fellow mum folding the stroller up at the taxi stand, I’m particularly impressed with how easy it is to fold and keep, and how compact it is! The sling makes it extra easy to bring around and load it in public transport. It’d be SO convenient for me and my husband; we travel a lot and do not own a car. Hope to win it! 😊

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